HSP Therapy Austin

On Being Misunderstood as a Highly Sensitive Person: How High Sensitivity, Emotional Neglect, and Dissociation Intersect

Perhaps it was a matter of time. You can only wear a mask and keep up the façade for so long, and through so many painful experiences. 

I was sensitive.  Very sensitive.  I cried through every Kodak commercial on TV.  I cried when songs touched me deeply.  I cried when other people hurt, because the energy of their pain would flow over and through me.  And I loved everyone – intent on finding the good in all living creatures.  I was empathic and perceptive, with an internal guidance system running on felt sense that I did not even begin to understand.  I was met with strange looks, misunderstanding, and less than compassionate comments.  At times, my sensitivity was pathologized, and I was told there was something wrong with me. 

“You’re too emotional.” 

“You take things too personally.”

“You wear your heart on your sleeve.”

“It’s no big deal!”

“Toughen up!”

“Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.”

“Get your shit together!”

“What is wrong with you?!”

The words were hard to take.  The looks were harder.  People kept their distance.  Maybe they were confused.  Maybe they didn’t know what to say.  Maybe the depth of connection I felt overwhelmed them.  Maybe I didn’t know what to say, or how to express how deeply I felt everything, and how overwhelming that felt to me, too

No one reflected feeling back to me, or validated my emotion.  No one defined what I was feeling – much less helped me to figure out what to do with those feelings.  I wasn’t supposed to have those, and certainly not so intensely!  At least that’s the message I internalized as a young person.  That’s the message many young children internalize when they experience emotional neglect or high emotional sensitivity.

Then one day, it was like a switch flipped it all off, and suddenly I couldn’t feel anything.  Where my heart had held so much emotion, overflowing with empathy, concern, love, and connection (and often pain) – abruptly there was nothingness.  Emptiness.  Darkness.  I couldn’t take the misunderstanding, the rejection, or the judgements any longer.  I got it!  I was not okay.  I was weak.  I was broken.  There was something wrong with me. 

I shut down.  And I stayed that way for years.

As time progressed, I continued to do what I thought, and had been told, I was supposed to do.  Feel less, connect less, sense less (senseless?).  I went through the motions.  I lived as a shell, in a body I could no longer feel or connect with, with a heart that no longer radiated compassion and warmth.  I felt beyond empty.  I could remember how I had felt in the past, and I could wish to feel again, but I couldn’t reconnect to that empathic, perceptive sensitivity.  I couldn’t connect with myself, which meant that I couldn’t connect with others.  Without that internal guidance system, I was lost and alone in darkness.  It’s extraordinarily difficult to find a light switch in total darkness.

Sometimes, we get lucky… or (depending on your belief system) a greater power or the universe leads us where we need to go, and to someone who can help us find the switch. 

I’m grateful I was led by whatever force, at first by just a shimmer of the faintest light, back to feeling and relationship.  I’m grateful I was taught how to be discerning in who I chose to share my gifts of sensitivity and deep connection.  I’m grateful as I continue to learn how to harness my own emotional energy, protect myself from an overwhelmingly insensitive world, and share my light with those who won’t attempt to extinguish it.  I’m grateful for my deeply emotional experiences, empathy, and intuition. 

No matter what you’ve been told, or how often people have tried to define you as weak, overly-emotional, too sensitive, or broken – I want to challenge those beliefs that you have likely now internalized.  I want to share the hope that you can reconnect with your sensitivity and internal guidance system, learn to pay attention, and discern what it’s trying desperately to tell you.  I want to encourage you –

You are not weak.  You are actually amazingly powerful.

You are not broken.  You are remarkable.

There is nothing wrong with you.  Those were lies that people told you who just didn’t understand, because they didn’t share that amazingly beautiful ability to feel deeply, sense, and intuit.  You are way more than okay!

You do not have to remain feeling shut down, numb, or empty.  And you do not have to remain in a constant state of overwhelm either!

You can gain mastery over your highly sensitive and highly intuitive abilities, and learn to understand what your internal guidance system is trying to tell you.  You can learn to navigate through the cacophony of sensory and emotive overload that comes with every day in the highly sensitive life.  You do not have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the comfort of others.  You can be freely yourself, and enjoy the experience!



Kristen Henshaw, an HSP and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), specializes in counseling and EMDR therapy for the highly sensitive person, the highly intuitive person, and those wanting to recover and heal from painful childhood, life, and relationship experiences.  For a gentle, respectful approach to healing, feel free to schedule your free 30-minute consultation to learn more.

Surviving Seasonal Shifts for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): 5 Tips for Smooth Transitions

Transitions, changes, and shifts are all a natural and necessary part of life.  For the highly sensitive person, transitions can feel challenging, and sometimes overwhelming.  There are ways to help ease seasonal transitions, though!

As part of my own highly sensitive experience, I struggle a great deal with the heat, and the shift from summer to fall brings mixed feelings.  Many outdoor pools are closing soon, and my ability to practice grounding and connection to nature is limited in Texas with high temperatures often enduring into October or November.  On the other hand, it will eventually get cooler, opening up more opportunities for outdoor activities. 

Teachers and kids are returning to school, and routines are changing to accommodate.  Even commutes to and from work change with school zones, additional drive times, and there is more hustle and bustle in the air.  For many, vacations have come and gone, and some still feel the restorative energy from having gotten away from it all for a while.  For others, their time off or away seemed entirely too short-lived. 

I feel the shifts all around me; in nature, in people, in energies, and within my own emotional and physical experiences.  It’s a shift that I’m becoming more and more attuned with, but still struggle to predict the impact at times.  Some seasonal changes have little impact on my overall experience, but I’ve found that without awareness, attunement, and preparation, they can knock me off kilter.

Changes are difficult for highly sensitive people!  Seasonal shifts occur regularly, and though I’ve been through them time and time again, I still have to prepare if I don't want to find myself inexplicably overwhelmed.  Over the years, I’ve learned a few things that help me get through seasonal transitions a little more smoothly.

1.       Take time to attend to the shifts. 

If you’ve learned that you need a little more down time than your not-so-highly-sensitive loved ones, as many HSP’s do, transitions might require more time to recharge and regroup.  Whether your self-care includes meditation, reading, taking a nature walk, or just spending time shut in a quiet space – allow for a little extra time each day to give your system the opportunity to not only tune in to the shifts, but adjust to the transition.

2.       Attend more closely to your nutritional needs. 

You may have noticed that even minor changes in diet can have a profound impact on your physical and emotional state.  If you already know what foods result in sluggishness, higher anxiety, gastrointestinal upset, and other negative side effects, try to be even more mindful of what foods are feeding not only your physical being, but your levels of tolerance to outside stimuli, and adjust your food intake accordingly (even if it’s just temporary through the seasonal transition).

3.       Unplug.

This might be an excellent time to set limits around technological engagement.  Put your phone away, turn off the computer, and step away from the TV.  This gives you true “down time,” away from the stress.  Online browsing, video games, social media, and binge watching TV shows actually remove you from your internal and external experiences, making it more difficult to tune into your own body and mind, and less able to attend to your needs. 

4.       Avoid additional commitments.

Shifts in the environment, routines, and internal frequencies require energy.  It might be a good time to avoid overextending yourself by committing to additional work, projects, or social engagements.  If you’re a parent, student, teacher, or work seasonal jobs in the summer, then your routine will require change.  Allow the fine-tuning to occur within the necessary changes before creating more shifts when possible. 

5.       Be kind to yourself.

If you find yourself struggling more than usual, and having a hard time pinpointing a cause or solution, beating yourself up about it will not help.  Attending to your experiences in a curious and non-judgmental way will increase your ability to identify the source of struggles, and make possible solutions come more clearly and easily.  Reminding yourself that about a fifth of the population share your highly sensitive gift, can help you feel less isolated, too. 

Wishing you smooth, peaceful, and easy transition into fall.  If you find yourself struggling more than usual with the transition, reach out to friends and family who understand the unique experiences of highly sensitive people.  If you feel overwhelmed, or are interested in learning more about not only coping, but thriving as a highly sensitive person, reach out for help from someone well versed in the remarkable gifts and distinct challenges associated with living as a highly sensitive person.

For more information about highly sensitive people, visit my specialty page.

Kristen Henshaw, a Licensed Professional Counselor Intern at Counseling South Austin under the supervision of Ann Stoneson, LPC-S, specializes in counseling and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy for highly sensitive people, those wanting to recover and heal from traumatic experiences and relationships, and people struggling with dissociation.  For a gentle, respectful approach to healing, contact her for your free 30-minute consultation.